Unmasked notebook as an interactive exhibit

As I mentioned before, the story-guided-introspection-notebook "Unmasked, Loved and Empowered" will be present at the upcoming Klingspor Museum (Offenbach, Germany) exhibition about notebooks, bullet journals and diaries.
But what you may not know.... is that it will be an interactive exhibit!
Museum visitors will be able to sit quietly and read one story and write in the book their own story or insights. So can you imagine at the end of the exhibition in October the many pearls of wisdom collected in one book! I really look forward to seeing the results and also see the process. The museum curators and staff will document it all and it will also be available in digital form.
So if you are visiting Frankfurt between 15th July and end of October, be sure to visit and write in the book ;o)
This is the invitation with the whole exhibition programme in German (there is a rough translation in English below) 👇
Attention: contains life.
Notebook , Bullet Journal , Diary / 15 July - 29 October 2023
Parallel also on Instagram @Attention_contains_life
Opening: Friday, 14 July 2023 , 7 p.m.
Notebooks, bullet journals and diaries: as containers of ephemera, they accompany our lives. They are filled bit by bit with experiences, remarkable things and memos and take on an important function as a structuring medium in the lives of many people. Often, individual works of art are created in the process, especially when artists keep diaries. The museum has impressive examples in its collection.
They range from works by the conceptual artist Dieter Roth, to Barbara Fahrner's record from New York during the Islamic terrorist attack in September 2001, to the contemporary zine "Lockdown Diary" by Malte Spindler. A special treasure are the "Sketchbooks" by Paul Stein, a mixture of diary, sketchbook and literary notes.
Bullet journals are also lovingly designed orientation aids that sort and weight everyday activities. The exhibition asks about motives and approaches to filling an initially empty book. Numerous people have responded to the museum's call and made their own works available: the most diverse notebooks, bullet journals and diaries have thus found their way into the exhibition. Interviews with diarists provide information about individual motives and working methods. There will also be a virtual exhibition space on Instagram.
In cooperation with the Frankfurt-based notebook manufacturer nuuna by brandbook, the exhibition will also focus on the design of the blank book, which also has an influence on the writing process. Many designs are waiting to be filled in the exhibition.