The Power of Sharing

Experience of the first book circle.

The Power of Sharing
Photo by Robert Lukeman / Unsplash

Last week, we had our first Unmasked Circle or book circle. I’m always amazed how powerful and insightful sharing in a circle can be. With no specific preparation - apart maybe knowing that we would share about the themes of the book: authenticity, love and empowerment - each participant is inspired to relate a story or a train of thoughts and offers it to the others. In turn this sharing inspires others to share their own story or their own reflections.

And what differentiates this sharing from other discussions is that it is done with respectful listening, no interruption, no solution-finding or perspective pushing. Each story is welcomed, no advice is given (unless specifically requested), and the book is only a starting point to prompt the mind. The freedom to follow whatever emerges allows for a true deepening of each and all’s journey of introspection.

For this first circle, the word “vulnerability” was the prompt. And I was very pleased that we dove into the topic not as an abstract or conceptual debate about the word or just discussing Brene Brown’s research and books (which are great by the way). No, we shared about the experience of vulnerability, what it feels like, what it is, and we did not look to find a quick fix to the discomfort, no, we explored it, we familiarised ourselves with it, so that it could (or at least start to) become a friend (or at least a tolerable acquaintance).

I also enjoyed the fact that we shared references of other books and people to follow to continue being inspired on our respective journeys. I believe it does take courage to share and expose our inner workings, and at the same time it is the fastest way to grow and benefit from others experiences and insights.

So let me invite you to the next circle 7th November at 18:00 CET. To register send me an email: stephanie(a)

During this next circle we will use a book chapter or two as a prompt. So I suggest you (re)familiarise yourself with these two stories: “Perfect Girl” and “Grey Hair”. If these two stories did not resonate please pick a story from the first section about “Masks”.