Book Circles Registration open now

Unmasked Book Circle registrations open

Book Circles Registration open now
Photo by Robert Bye / Unsplash

Following the survey sent to the book readers, I will launch the first online Unmasked Book Circle on Thursday 3rd October at 18:00 CET. Further groups (with different days/timeslots) will be launched as demand comes. 

What the book circle is: 

  • A time to deepen your introspection practices specifically on topics such as authenticity, courage and vulnerability; emotions, self-acceptance and self-love; empowerment, building purposefully aligned habits and resilience;
  • A safe place to share insights, challenges and stories with fellow readers of “Unmasked, Loved and Empowered”;
  • A way to get tips and practice various tools to feel more autonomous and equipped in moving further on self-discovery and development journey;
  • A supportive, non-judgemental and loving community who is present to who you are and witnesses your self-expression and evolution.

In practice:

  • A small group of 6-8 people meeting every month (1st Thursday of the month at 18:00 for this first circle), for 1-2h (the time will be adapted depending on the group’s needs).
  • The sessions will be in English (or in French depending on the group).
  • Once in a while, we will meet physically in South of France or in Europe. I might even organise another retreat, but I’ll keep you posted on this one.


I have been reflecting about reciprocity, pricing and all this for a while and I’ve decided to create a donation-based reciprocity opportunity. You will be able to donate as much or as little as you wish, before, during or after each session depending on when you can or when it feels right for you.

It is aligned with my values of inclusivity, a high price could exclude some people; respect and freedom, every one has their own journey and will not get the same value from these circles at the same time; self-worth, respecting myself and allowing myself to receive felt important so I did not wish to make it “free” (I will accept other forms of reciprocity material or otherwise such as dinners, kindness, good wishes, visibility, etc. ;o)

To register contact me by email: stephanie(a)

If you wish to be part of a book circle but the Thursday 18:00 CET does not suit you, please let me know your availability and I might be able to gather other people for another circle. I have a few people on a waiting list for a lunchtime circle for example.